Last Updated: 2020-01-11
References: FLAC 8.1 Manual: User's Guide Problem Solving with FLAC; Command Reference; Fish in FLAC
This tutorial will provide background on the types of boundary conditions available in FLAC, and how these boundary conditions are implemented and changed when using FLAC.
Boundary conditions are applied at the boundaries of models. So, in order to determine what boundary conditions best represent your problem, we first have to define what model boundaries are. Model boundaries can be either real or artificial.
There are two main types of boundary conditions that we will discuss: displacement-controlled and stress-controlled.
This tutorial does not discuss groundwater flow boundary conditions. These will come in future classes!
Displacement-controlled boundaries are applied at the model gridpoints. Essentially, you are telling the gridpoint how to move. But, instead of directly applying a displacement, you are applying a velocity at the gridpoints.
The displacement-controlled boundary condition is specified with the fix
For example:
fix x y j=1
This tells FLAC the type of boundary condition (displacement-controlled), the direction of the boundary conditions (in both the x and y-directions), and the location of the boundary (at all gridpoints where j=1).
Once the fix
command is given to FLAC, the velocity applied at those gridpoints should be specified.
The velocity sign conventions are:
Velocities can be assigned with the initialize (ini
) command or by assigning velocities through a FISH user-defined function.
The initialize command will assign velocities to gridpoints through a FLAC command. This is useful if velocities are not changing throughout the simulation.
fix x y j=1
ini yvel 0.1 j=1
ini xvel 0. j=1
This series of commands will apply a y-velocity of 0.1 along bottom gridpoints, and keeps the gridpoints fixed in the x-direction.
The fish functions can be useful if you want to change the velocity throughout the simulation. This is most useful if you need to ramp-up or ramp-down velocities.
For example, a fish function to increase the applied y-velocity along bottom gridpoints and keep the gridpoints fixed in the x-direction:
fix x y j=1 ;;; displacement boundary condition at bottom gps
def $ramp_up_velocity
$y_vel_max = 0.1
$intervals = 100
loop $k (1,$intervals)
$y_vel = $y_vel_max*($k/$intervals)
$j = 1
loop $i (1,gpi)
yvel($i,$j) = $y_vel
xvel($i,$j) = 0.
No-displacement boundaries are a type of displacement-controlled boundary. For no-displacement boundaries, the gridpoints are fixed in place.
For example:
fix x y i=1
ini yvel 0. i=1
ini xvel 0. i=1
This tells FLAC the type of boundary condition (displacement-controlled) is applied at i=1 and that velocity is 0. at those gridpoints.
Stress-controlled boundaries can be applied along any boundary. The stress tensor components can be applied at a boundary (sxx
for horizontal total stress, syy
for vertical total stress, szz
for out of plane stress, and sxy
for shear stress).
The stress-controlled boundary is applied with the apply
command in FLAC across gridpoints.
For example:
apply syy -100. j=11
apply sxx -50. i=1 i=1,5
Many geotechnical problems involve stress boundaries since vertical and horizontal stresses increase with depth. For a lot of this class we will not simulate problems with stress gradients, but the final assignment will require stress gradients.
To apply a stress gradient along a boundary, the var
command is required.
apply sxx -200. var 0,200. from j=1,11 i=1
apply sxx -200. var 0,200. from j=1,11 i=11
This command starts by applying sxx=200 at i=1 j=1 and i=11, j=1, then linearly increases sxx by 200 by the time the boundary reaches j=1.
There are a few things to keep in mind for assigning boundary conditions in FLAC:
app sxx $sxx i=1
ini xvel -1. i=1
app syy $syy j=1
ini xvel 0.5 j=1
These are example boundary conditions for 1D compression where the vertical stress is increased throughout the simulation.
A fish-function should be used to increase/decrease $syy throughout the simulation.
config axisymmetry
fix x y j=1
ini yvel 0. j=1
ini xvel 0. j=1
fix x i=1 ;;;not necessary bc/ axisymmetry
fix x i=gpi
apply syy $syy j=gpj
This example assumes axisymetric geometry for isotropic compression. The simulation takes an element from the isotropic compression test that is bounded by the radial symmetric and vertical symmetric boundaries.
config axisymmetry
fix y j=1
fix x i=1 ;;;not necessary bc/ axisymmetry
apply sxx $p i=gpi
apply syy $p j=gpj
These commands assume that $p has been previously defined in a fish function.
This example assumes axisymetric geometry. The simulation takes an element that is bounded from the radial symmetric boundary (the central axis) and the vertical symmetric boundary. Therefore, assuming this symmetry, the simulated element represents conditions throughout the test.
config axisymmetry
fix y j=1
fix x i=1 ;;;not necessary bc/ axisymmetry
apply sxx $sxx i=gpi
apply syy $syy j=gpj
These commands assume that $sxx and $syy were previously defined in a fish function.
fix x y j=1
apply syy $syy j=gpj
fix x i=1 j=gpj
fix x i=gpi j=gpj
attach aside from 1,gpj to 1,1 bside from gpi,gpj to gpi,1
This introduces the attach
command. The command in this case ensures that the two vertical boundaries move in-sync and keeps the constraint of no radial strain.